Posted June 3, 2022
The Lord would say that Satan has come to rob you of your joy and to diminish you. In fact, the Lord gave me the Scripture where David was praying, “Restore to me the joy of salvation.” And the Lord would say to you, “You have been in a season where Satan has literally been nibbling away at your joy and it has happened at times just by degrees. But I am coming with a wave of the Holy Spirit. I’m coming with a wave of joy. Know this: as you make a decision, you are going to believe that I am healing you where you’re hurting. Make the decision that you are not going to stay in this place where you feel anxious, where you feel panic, where you don’t know what to do.”
The Lord just wants you to know that He is going to give you solutions. There are solutions coming for you. The Bible talks about hope being the anchor for your soul, and I see that Satan is trying to take your hope that things will ever change or that things will ever get better. The Lord would say that that is a lie and an attack from the enemy. The Lord says, “Right now, right now… receive hope! Right now, understand that even though it seems like it’s taking a long time”, the Lord says, “I will do it! I will give you what you need. I will give you the wisdom. I will give you the solution. I will give you the restoration.”
You are not meant to stay in this place of anguish. You are not meant to stay in a place of confusion. No, you’re not meant to be confused! So, Father, we take authority over the enemy! We bind the spirit of confusion! We bind the spirit of rejection and abandonment! I just want to say to you, “Be healed! Be healed!” The Lord just says, “Believe that I will restore the joy of your salvation.” God bless you!
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