Posted June 12, 2022

The other week I had a dream and I heard the Lord say, “The greater the battle, the bigger the miracle.” When He spoke these words I felt great hope, full of expectation, being released in the dream. I felt such an increase in the demonstrative power of God to turn impossibility on its head.

I could also see that the Spirit of God was bringing comfort to those who have been in major battles. I could feel the weariness of these many saints who have been saying, “The battle has been SO great.” But at the same time, I could feel the Spirit of God bringing a shift in their perspective. This move of His Spirit was bringing His people higher into His perspective. He was inviting them to see as HE sees; to not magnify the battle but magnify HIM; to magnify HIS name and HIS power, which is going to explode.

I could feel the heart of God so strongly for His people in this dream. The battle has not been for nothing. The enemy has come to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10), but within the battle, there has been a move of the Spirit of God to fortify and strengthen His people in faith. It is rooted deeply in His Word and in His nature.

I could feel the Spirit of God strongly encouraging His people and telling them that they have not been ill-equipped in the battle. They have not been alone in the fire that has been turned up seven times hotter. The “fourth man” has been with them in the fire (Daniel 3:25).

The miracles that He IS performing, and going to perform, will not only outweigh the intensity of the battle by far, but they will also bring a shift in perspective, revealing that He HAS been with them and IS with them in the midst of battle, and that they already have all things IN HIM to walk as the overcomers that they are.

Many have felt like they have been dying in the battle, but Jesus, by His Spirit, has been bringing them into a deeper place of finding HIM and discovering that HE is true life in the midst of battle; HE is true peace in the midst of the battle; HE protects and HE strengthens in the midst of the battle.

The enemy has been working SO hard to distract many and to get them to focus on how “BIG” the battle is, or how “INTENSE” the warfare has been. Yes, it has been intense, but it is NOT greater and it is NOT bigger than OUR GOD.

I heard the Lord say, “LIFT UP YOUR EYES, LIFT UP YOUR EYES, LIFT UP YOUR EYES!” There is a ploy of the enemy to get many caught in this place of distraction and feeling the heaviness of the season, but He is inviting His people deeper into a place of fortified peace, life, joy, strength, faith and hope IN HIM.

Hold fast, saints. The battle has been raging, the battle has been intense, but it is NOT bigger than the miracles that are awaiting you. He will be FAITHFUL to do what He said He would do.

The Lord has been highlighting Joshua 21 to me this week, especially verse 45: “Not a single one of all the good promises the LORD had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything He had spoken came true.”

There is also a release of mighty, monumental miracles.  Your battle may be more intense than anything you’ve ever walked in, but hold fast, resurrection power is coming.

Demonstrations of His power to fulfill that which He has spoken are upon you, and the testimony of what Jesus has done in and through your life will draw MANY unto Him.

Be encouraged today, friends. The greater the battle, the bigger the miracle. He is more good than you could ever imagine, and it’s time for miracles on a level we have never seen before. The name of Jesus will be lifted high and His glory, as the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS, will be seen! Great is Thy faithfulness, Majestic Jesus!




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