The Jerusalem Post (May 29, 2021) reported

10 Serious COVID patients; 90% with comorbidities, aged between 45-75 were given an Israeli drug based on stem cells and left the hospital in one day.  The clinical trials of the drug MesenCure are extremely impressive and are now being considered for treatment for other medical conditions.

The data shows a 40% decrease in lung inflammation from treatment from 55% down to 15% in chest X-rays within the first five days after treatment.  After one month, lung inflammation was reduced to 1%.  Blood oxygen saturation levels increased to 95% and lung functioning returned to almost entirely normal levels after use of the stem cell treatment after only one month.

There has also been no reported side effects from the stem cell treatments.

One year before this Jerusalem Post article, Prophet Charlie Shamp posted this prophetic word on March 1, 2020:


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Psalms 23:4

This morning I saw the rod of God and it was changed into a DNA strand. I then was given this scripture and told by the Lord that there would be a discovery in stem cells that would bring healing to those with Coronavirus. The Lord said, “The stem cell will stem the tide of sickness and disease. Science will discover breakthrough for Coronavirus in the stem cells, look towards the silver cord for there you will find life.”

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