The next major thing to take place on God’s divine timetable is not the second coming of Christ but another major restoration movement.
There can be no second coming until there is a full restoration of all things spoken by the prophets. This is what the apostle Peter was making reference to when he told us to “hasten” the coming of the Lord (2 Pet. 3:12). We cannot hasten Christ’s coming by just preaching that it is going to happen soon, but we can by “preparing the way and making ready a people” for His second coming.
We prepare the way by receiving prophetic revelation on what needs to be restored and then becoming instruments in the hand of the Holy Spirit to bring about the restoration of all things, so that Christ can be released from Heaven to return. We make ready a people by transforming every saint into the image and likeness of Jesus so that they can manifest Christ’s full manhood and ministry (Rom. 8:29).
We do not want to be guilty of the failure of the generation to which Isaiah gave the prophetic indictment, “…None saith, Restore” (Isa. 42:22 KJV). None of the leaders of that time were believing for and working toward bringing restoration to God’s people and the nation of Israel. No one had a vision for restoration. Though none were saying restore, yet God declared, “I will restore…” (Joel 2:25).
There are over 30 Scriptures speaking of restoration, growing from faith to faith, strength to strength, glory to glory, and growing in grace and knowledge until we “grow up into Christ in all things,” until we are “conformed to His image,” “a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle,” “like Him,” “unto a perfect man even to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ Himself.” The Scriptures definitely teach that there will be “line upon line, precept upon precept,” restoration of truth upon restoration of truth, until the Church comes to its divinely predestined purpose.
There are 3 Scriptures that talk about the saints “going up,” while there are more than 30 that talk about the saints “growing up.” That reveals that God puts 10 times more importance on our maturing into Christ’s image and ministry than He does on us being raptured to Heaven. Let us major on what God majors on.
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