Dale is the author of “And David Perceived He was King” and Luanne is known for her book “God, I Feel Like Cinderella”!

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Dale has traveled all over the world and has done meetings with Todd White.

Dale and LuAnne Mast are Senior Pastors at Destiny Christian Church in Dover, Delaware. They travel together nationally and internationally, teaching and speaking prophetically, with keys of deliverance for breakthrough and miraculous transformations.
Bishop Hamon ordained Dale as a “prophet who would pastor” in 1991. Dale and LuAnne minister to networks, pastors, churches, retreats, church leaders and believers both nationally and internationally. In 1996, Cindy Jacobs prophesied that God would use Dale to “help establish prophetic evangelism… and give him story after story.”

Dale is ordained under Prophet Chuck Pierce, Glory of Zion. He is also a member of the International Coalition of Apostles.

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