2015 A Year of Divine Reversals!
I heard the Lord say that this would be “A Year of Divine Reversals.” As a matter of fact, in Esther 9:1 when it speaks of the decree of Haman it says of that day “that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have power over them, though it was turned to the contrary that the Jews had rule over them that hated them.
I was surprised to find that the word “turned” in this verse is the Hebrew word haphak is the Strong’s number 2015!! It means to overturn, to change, to overthrow, to turn around, to transform, to be reversed! This will be a year of Divine Reversal!
As a matter of fact, I heard the Lord say this would be a Boomerang Year! As we know, a boomerang gets thrown out and then returns to the one that threw it. God is going to cause every curse and every assignment from Hell to be turned right back upon the head of our spiritual enemy!Haman built gallows to hang the Jews, but he ended up being hanged on his own gallows! It wasn’t only Haman who was destroyed, but also his 10 sons so they couldn’t come back again to retaliate! (Photo via Wikipedia)
God is boomeranging the curses of Hell right back on the enemy. In the Message translation Esther 9:25 reads “But when Queen Esther intervened with the king, he gave written orders that the evil scheme that Haman had worked out should boomerang back on his own head!”
Read the full message here:
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