Hello Mighty Prayer Warriors!
Our prayers have great impact when they are inspired and directed by the Holy Spirit. One of the ways He manifests Himself in our intercession is through our emotions. This evidence of His power at work has been greatly misunderstood. Many Christians seem almost to scorn emotion, fearful perhaps that a lack of control follows closely on its heels of intercession, for we cannot pray the heart of God fully without joining in His expression.
There will be times when we are interceding that we seem to feel or identify with the sorrow of the person of whom we are praying, or we will know the grieving of the Holy Spirit over a person’s sin. When we enter into this kind or prayer we will experience manifestations such as travailing, weeping and laughing. Sometimes these strong emotions take the intercessor quite by surprise. They cannot be forced to occur==it is as the Spirit wills.
The following story is a experience share about “travail” in the book by Cindy Jacobs, “Possessing the Gates of The Enemy”
In the mid-1950’s a young Englishman named John White was in training for the Lord’s service at the New Tribes Mission’s Boot Camp in Pennsylvania. The participants were given folders each day containing prayer letters from various missionaries. At seven A.M. they were to pray for the names they had been given.
One particular morning John opened the folder and found a letter from a missionary in the Philippines by the name of Loretta O’Hara. John had never met Loretta, nor did he know anything about her personally. The letter in his hand contained a life-and-death prayer request from her. She was writing from a hospital in Manila where the doctors were telling her she had either cancer of the cervical spine or tuberculosis of the cervical spine.
Something happened to John as he read the request, and he began to pray in a most unusual manner. He began to demand that God heal absolutely insisted He do so. At the end of the prayer, John sat back and marveled at what he had been saying. He felt great peace in his heart at first, but then he starting thinking about the way he had talked to God! Prior to this experience he had prayed only proper petitions, and the words that had just come out of his mouth did not fit into his theology or this idea of the respect one was to give God in prayer–based in large part on his British upbringing. Unbeknownst to John, he had entered into travail in prayer–travail that produces the will of God in a given situation in a miraculous way.
This travailing prayer brought dramatic results in the life of Loretta O’Hara. At the time John was praying, Loretta was in Nova Scotia. She was traveling to a tuberculosis sanitarium, as the doctor had concluded her condition was cervical tuberculosis. God had other plans for her life, however. It happened that a Christian group heard she would be passing their way and asked her to speak about missions before she went into the sanitarium. This seemed impossible to Loretta because of her condition but they persisted, telling her they would provide a deep, comfortable chair from which she could address the group.
Upon their insistence, she agreed to go speak. As she was sitting describing missions she suddenly felt that the sitting position was not the best way to be addressing this group, and she took hold of a table to pull herself to her feet. Lorretta did not know at the time, but she had just stepped into the supernatural healing power of God.
As Loretta stood she felt stronger. The pain left her body. She knew before long before long that something dramatic had happened to her. Rather than go to the sanitarium, she went back to the doctor who had diagnosed her condition. When he saw Loretta, he was upset with her because he had worked hard to get a bed for her in the sanitarium. She insisted that he perform the tests that would show her free from tuberculosis, to be completely healed. Loretta rejoiced not only for her healing but also for her ability to return to the mission field.
When she decided to visit the New Tribe Mission’s Boot Camp, Loretta had no idea she was entering a new assignment with the man who had prayed for her.
When Loretta arrived at the camp, John was not aware at first that she was the missionary for whom he had prayed, but he was very conscious that she was the missionary for whom he had prayed, but he was very conscious that she was an attractive woman! John had heard from the Lord that he would meet the woman whom he would marry at the camp, and prior to that time no one had looked like a candidate for marriage. Within a short time they both knew that God brought them together for a lifelong commitment. As John and Loretta came to know each other, they marveled at God’s intervention in their lives. John proposed and called her by the new name she is known today, Lorrie White.
What actually happened when John prayed? Was it something he decided to do, or was it really a burden from God for the life of Loretta O’Hara? Why did he pray with such fervor and intensity? These questions are answered when you understand the type of intercession called travail?
In Galatians 4:19 Paul speaks of travailing in birth until Christ is formed in His spiritual children.
Please pray for the following prayer points for the Eagle’s Nest Ministries:
- Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem-Psalm 122:6
- Pray for the Eagle’s Nest leadership, Apostle Gary, Pastor Don and his wife Renee, Pastor Josue the staff of Janet Nichols and Prophetess Debbie.
- Pray for all the prayer houses and leaders, Pastor Roger and Vicki, Dean and Maria, Chuck and Bre, Pastor Don and Renee hosts of the houses, Lisa Welton, Diane Pierce and Mary Lou Cozza. Declare favor and increase of wisdom and revelation from God.
- The nine Gifts of the Holy Spirits be activated in the services.
- New converts and souls for the Kingdom. God would draw the unsaved to the alter.
- Finances for Eagle’s Nest to have the windows of heaven to be open above all givers.
- Invite the Holy Spirit and Glory of God’s presence in each service at church.
- New Building for Eagle’s Nest with excellent location and favor with owners.
- All ordained ministers of the Eagle’s Nest are covered in God’s love and grace. Also, God will provide for all families and ministry needs are meet.
- Miracles, Signs and Wonders.
- Unity,for the Body of believers at Eagle’s Nest and new freedom and liberty of God’s spirit.
- Businesses and new businesses God is raising up to be blessed with overflow of wisdom and grace. Successful strategies.
- Opportunities to have outreach ministries to the poor and needy.
- Please pray for Joe Workman that has been in Orange Coast Memorial Hospital with stomach problems.
- Pray that God would bring more faithful, helpful servants for our house.(Eagle’s Nest).
- More doors to be open in 2015 for new conference meetings and speakers to fulfill vision of the house.
Wow…the month of January is half over. The fasting on Monday’s have taking us to a new release in the Holy Spirit. Please continue to drink water until 6:00pm and have a meal after that time.
Cheryl Winterton