The Lord says: You have entered the season of the greatest demonstration of the power of God to redeem and restore. There is an accelerated birthing that’s taking place right now, where you are not only going to see the redemption and restoration of God over past circumstances and situations, but you are going to see the INCREASE of God.
Many of you have walked through situations where things didn’t go as you thought they would, or as you believed for, and these areas are still areas of pain, trauma and disappointment. The Lord showed me that you have stepped into a new season of seeing things RAPIDLY REDEEMED. You are going to see some of the most impossible circumstances SUDDENLY redeemed and SUDDENLY restored.
The Lord says: “I am breaking the chains of trauma. I am breaking the chains of the ‘expectation of trauma’ from My people. Many of My people have experienced so much trauma in their lives that they have come to expect trauma. There is such significant healing taking place right now that is not only going to bring significant freedom to My people but shift expectations. Faith is rising again! Trauma will no longer hold My people back, but there will be such a significant increase in expectation and faith. It’s time to believe again.
“You cannot even imagine the level of redemption and restoration that I am bringing into your life, circumstances and situations. You are going to be overwhelmed by My goodness, My power and My kindness as the redemption, restoration and recompense manifest.
“THIS IS your time, NOW! THIS IS the season, NOW! Activate your faith! Pray the big prayers! Ask Me for the impossible places to be redeemed and restored, because what I have planned and am releasing is BIGGER than your greatest request of restoration and redemption.”
As you enter similar pathways that you have walked on before, you will see that this time things are going to be AMAZINGLY DIFFERENT. As you walk down similar pathways, the breakthrough of the Lord and the power of His redemption and restoration are not only going to heal your heart but fill you with GREAT JOY as you see the breakthrough and increase of God.
Things will not be the same or stay the same. You are entering that completely new place of increase, fruitfulness, and rest. Many of you are about to come into such a deep place of heart-rest through the redemption and restoration of God.
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