FEBRUARY 25, 2021
I heard the Lord say, “Tell My people that I’m erasing all the borders! Yes, I’m removing all the boundaries from here to there. I’m tearing down all walls from the seen to the unseen in their eyes. I’m sending a revelation to those who will believe that will erase all the borders of the impossible. I will remove, erase, even eradicate from their mindset the word impossible for it will no longer be found in their vocabulary.
I’m revealing those in this hour that will carry the lion like nature of my Son to take territory for my Kingdom. They will be fearless and know no limitations to what I can do. For they will truly understand and experience the ‘exceeding abundantly above all that they ask or think, according to the power that worketh in them.’
Tell my people this is a time to take the land and don’t back up for I am with them in an unlimited measure! They will pursue after the enemy in this season. They will overtake him, and without fail recover all that was lost, taken, stolen and broken. There are no boarders for I have called them to posses the land of the impossible!”
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