POSTED MAY 10, 2022
The Lord said, “[Many of] you feel like you are trapped in circumstances beyond your control.” In other words, there are things that have happened to you, things that you need to change, or things that need to happen for you, but they don’t seem to move.
The Lord would say to you, “None of your circumstances are beyond your control. Give me the control. Give me the control of your life and trust me. Trust me that I am going to remove the circumstances that need to be removed because you can say to the mountain ‘Be removed’ and it will be cast into the sea. Trust me that I am working for your good. Trust me that I know what is best for you.”
And I feel like the Lord is saying, “Lose control to the goodness of God. Lose control and lose your fear that your circumstances are going to get worse and worse and worse. Aren’t you praying to me? Aren’t you asking for help? Aren’t you asking for wisdom? I will give you what you need. I will give you the knowledge you need. I will give you the wisdom you need. I will open the doors that need to be opened. I will shut the doors that need to be shut.” He says, “Don’t panic. Trust me. Trust me with all your heart because there are no circumstances that are beyond my control and none that are greater than what I can deal with.”
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