Posted June 29, 2022


The Lord is saying, “I am a master of lost causes.”

There are some situations where you just feel that you’ll never see the breakthrough, you’ll never see the change, and it’s actually affecting you emotionally. But the Lord would say, “Am I not the God of the impossible? Can’t I do great things?” And the Lord is just showing me that there are some things that maybe in the natural are lost, but that God is preparing restitution for you in a way that is just going to delight you. And I want to remind you of the words that God has given you. Remember that in Psalm 105, it says that until the word came to pass for Joseph, it tested him. Some of you are in the testing period where you haven’t seen the fulfillment of your words. Don’t give up! Don’t give up! This is what I have found: most of the time before my greatest breakthroughs, Satan attacks me emotionally, physically, or maybe financially. And it just feels like all H-E-L-L is breaking loose.

So the Lord would say, “Remember, I am the master of the lost causes. I can do things that you cannot imagine. I’m working out great things for you behind the scenes.” I see that you’re being attacked and that people may be saying bad things about you. You feel like you’ve had so much loss, but the Lord says, “I’m going to give you double for your trouble.” Wow! I’m taking that for myself! I hope you’re taking it for you. God bless you. Love you. Just be encouraged today.


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