“The Simplicity of the Greatness of God”
Apostle Jan Painter
Message delivered to Eagle’s Nest Ministries
December 1, 2015
“The Lord said, “Living a lifestyle of thanksgiving and gratitude to God can actually become one of the most effective spiritual weapons that has potential to release the richest blessings of our life!”
Psalms 100:4 (KJV): Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.
Thanksgiving and praise to God literally opens barriers that separate the realm of heaven from the realms of earth. Allows people to move into the presence of Lord and all the blessings of God that entails it.”
— The simplest things are going to be used by God to activate through His people some of the greatest moves of God. He is about to pour out blessings, signs, wonders and miracles for which we cannot contain. It will be overwhelming!
— We are already prepared – we’ve been trained, equipped, taught and we already have everything we need. We just need to put our eyes on Him, give Him thanks and pray in tongues 15 minutes a day. If the Lord directs you differently, listen to Him, but don’t fall into the trap of a religious spirit.
— Obedience is better than sacrifice. Listen to the voice of God and follow His instructions. Make sure you get back to the basic, simple truths – put your eyes back on God and He will move on your behalf. There is no point in trying to strong arm God with hours of prayer and fasting if God is not in it.
— God is putting everything – in our lives, in our churches, in our families, in our nation – back in order. This is already happening.
— God is bringing back joy to the body of Christ. We are going to learn to love, to laugh and to really live like never before. We will be a shining light in the darkness so bright that the world will see, and He will get all the glory!
Key strategy:
1. Put your eyes back on God.
2. Give Him thanks – thank Him for it whether you see it or not. God loves a grateful heart.
3. Pray in tongues 15 minutes a day.
Kathleen Clark
January 18, 2017
Connie Hanson
August 7, 2017
I have found this to be true. Our flesh has a tendency to complain, Entering His gates with thanksgiving begins the day being thankful & there’s no room for complaining.
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