Who’s Stealing My Healing?
Message from Dr. Gary Greenwald – Part 1 – 11/13/15

All my life, I’ve been under attack and physically afflicted. . . but God has always raised up people who prayed and stood on His word for me until I knew how to stand for myself.

At 8 years, I was paralyzed by polio down my left side. My mother and her prayer group stood for me, and one week later, the paralysis was gone! I’m known at the Bethesda Hospital in Maryland as a miracle!

In my teens, I was attacked with Cron’s disease, and I almost died at age 45 from surgery and complications, but I stood on God’s word and have had no further attacks for many years.

In my 20’s, I was attacked with a curvature of the spine with severe pain, and I was diagnosed with a kidney disease that the doctor said would disable me for the rest of my life. In both cases, I had developed in my faith to where I told my chiropractor and nephrologist that I would not be coming back because “By His stripes I WAS HEALED (1 Peter 2:24)!” I stood on God’s Word, declaring my healings and both my spine and kidneys were healed!

[Let me interject here: You shouldn’t quit going to your doctor or stop taking your medicine until you are “fully persuaded” without doubt that you are healed (Mark 11:23)]

Back in 1985, I preached a message titled “Who’s Stealing My Healing?” It addressed why many of God’s children couldn’t stay healed or even receive their healing which was paid for at the cross. (Isaiah 53:5).

I read articles about healing ministries such as Kathryn Kuhlman’s where people received miraculous healings, but only temporarily. After a time, the symptoms and diseases returned. Kuhlman’s critics argued that she used everything from mass hypnosis, emotional hype and psychosomatic deception to lure people into “thinking” they were healed or had received a miracle. This broke Kathryn’s heart!

But of course, those critics couldn’t discredit all the totally sensational healings and miracles that DID last! There were a myriad!

My question became, “WHY DID MANY LOSE THEIR HEALINGS AND MIRACLES IF THEY WERE FROM GOD?” — “Who’s Stealing My Healing?”

[In my next Facebook post, I’ll address how to “Fight the Good Fight of Faith” to possess all that Christ, Jesus paid for in your life. The cross paid not only for your sins, but for your full healing, your prosperity, your healed emotional wounds and your assignment in this life to set other captives free!]

  1. September 30, 2016


  2. February 18, 2017

    I believe in Our Lord’s supernaturally healing . I have experienced much along with Family members. I came across this website today and read about Eagle’s Nest Ministries!!! Very interested in part 2 of why healings don’t last for some
    I was called to ministry many years ago , His Tender Mercies Outreach.. God’s healing love!!! Alot has happened in My life and I am at a different place and would like to get back to or stronger where I can share The Lord’s Love!! Please could I read part two of this series…Thankyou, God Bless You!

  3. August 7, 2017

    Testimonies like this encourage our faith to be stronger,& continue to do likewise in our own life, to continue to stand on God’s word. He has the final word.

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