Posted Sept 17, 2021
We have entered a new year on the Hebraic calendar, which is always significant, and there is a definitive shift. The term resurrection glory may sound like religious or spiritual fluff, but this year will be anything but fluff.
The word “resurrection” is highlighted because many things have died, or seem to have a death sentence on them. The word “glory” is highlighted because it is the proper, other-worldly description for what Heaven is releasing.
It is the breakthrough presence of God that heals and delivers people, but it is also much more than that.
The Hebrew word for glory is “kabod,” and among its definitions are, riches, honor, reputation and weight. Both God and His attentive people will experience and showcase this next measure of “glory.” Much of it will be like a resurrection from death to life – or darkness to light – suddenly made into a reality.
The intense and extended season of death and loss will suddenly experience a resurrection glory. It will be a global rattling and global transformation. Presence, power and provision will be within this resurrection glory.
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