Posted Nov 25, 2022 Many are now entering into a season of reward. Hebrews 11:6 says, “Without faith living within us it would be impossible to please God. For…
Posted Oct. 30, 2022 “There are too many. There are too many in the earth that are afraid, anxious, on edge, wondering and waiting. What shall happen, what shall take…
POSTED NOV 4, 2022 I hear the ROAR of the Lion of Judah SO loudly and as He is roaring I could hear the sound of the Lord’s RECOMPENSE. His…
Recently while waiting before the Lord seeking to hear what He wanted to communicate, suddenly I am taken into a vivid trance. I find myself in what seemed to be…
POSTED NOVEMBER 6, 2022 You shall recover all. For the Lord says, in this season, I am expanding your faith. I’m going to cause you to believe what you…
POSTED SEPTEMBER 5, 2022 The Spirit of the Lord would say to his Church, “I am attuning you to the frequency of Heaven. Yes, I am bringing you into…
Posted On October 27, 2022 I had the word “enrich” on my heart which means: 1. To supply with abundance. 2. To adorn or decorate. (Collins Dictionary) I saw the…